Please find below important documents and information about our school.
How We Evaluate our Performance
We were delighted that Ofsted judged our school to be ‘Outstanding’ in October 2008 but that was just the beginning of our journey. Since that moment in time, we have continued to look for ways to improve our performance and ensure that we continue to meet the high standards that enabled us to gain our ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted judgment and therefore provide our children with the best education possible.
Every year Ofsted undertake a risk review of the school to ensure that children's outcomes remain high, the leadership continues to be strong, and there are no safeguarding issues and no complaints.
Internal Monitoring of Performance
During the school year, we continually monitor children’s progress and attainment to ensure that planning and interventions enable all children to make good progress. The Senior Leadership Team and Subject leaders are observing and monitoring teaching and learning to ensure that the education provided to the children is of a high standard. There are regular discussions with children about their learning and the children’s books are scrutinised to ensure that a high standard is achieved. The school governors receive regular reports from the school team and visit the school regularly to validate reports. We listen to parents, children and staff through our questionnaires and are always looking for ways to improve our service.
External Validation
We also look for outside validation of our performance therefore we take part in a number of external inspections. Each year we employ an Educational Consultant to undertake a rigorous review of all aspects of teaching and learning across the school. We are members of the SWAN Trust, which is made up of six local schools and each term, the Headteachers spend a day in school comparing our performance with the Ofsted criteria. During both visits, a number of activities are undertaken to ensure that our School Self Evaluation and School Development Plan are fit for purpose and will result in improvement across the school. The activities undertaken will include; learning walks to observe teaching and learning, attainment and progress data discussions with members of the Senior Leadership Team, looking for evidence of children’s learning in books and discussions with children and teachers. At the end of each visit, strengths and areas for development are agreed.