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The Oaktree School

Inspire, Learn, Achieve

Our Nursery

The Oaktree School Nursery

The Oaktree School opened the Nursery Class in January 2020, and through popular demand is due to expand its provision in September 2024 with the opportunity for 3 year old to attend wrap around care.

With the opening of 'Caterpillar Class'  in January 2020, the School was able to start working with parents and the local community earlier in a child's development, ensuring a positive start to their children's early education. The Nursery Class provides learning opportunities for children to make steps towards their Early Learning Goals (ELGs) and will provides children with solid foundations on their journey as lifelong learners.

The larger Oaktree School Nursery Class will be able to offer places to 2, 3 and 4 year olds and accepts a range of funding options including FEET and the Working Parents entitlement (15 free hours for 2 year olds), Universal funding (15 free hours for 3 & 4 year olds) and Extended funding (30 free hours for 3 & 4 year olds)  For more information on  the working parents entitlement please visit the child care choices website

The Oaktree Nursery Class offers the following sessions:



Total number of hours


Monday (8.40 – 2.40), Tuesday (8.40 – 2.40), Wednesday morning (8.40 – 11.40)

15 Hours


Monday (8.40 – 3.10), Tuesday (8.40 – 3.10), Wednesday morning (8.40 – 11.40)

16 Hours (an additional charge of £3 per day will be invoiced for the additional 30 mins on a Monday and a Tuesday)


Wednesday afternoon (12.10 – 3.10), Thursday (8.40 – 2.40), Friday (8.40 – 2.40)

15 Hours


Wednesday afternoon (12.10 – 3.10), Thursday (8.40 – 3.10), Friday (8.40 – 3.10)

16 Hours (an additional charge of £3 per day will be invoiced for the additional 30 mins on a Thursday and a Friday)


Monday – Friday (8.40 – 2.40)

30 hours


Monday – Friday (8.40 – 3.10)

32.5 hours (an additional charge of £3 per day will be invoiced for the additional 30 mins on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and  Friday)

If you would like the opportunity for your child to be part of The Oaktree School Nursery, please complete an application form and return to The Oaktree School office or email to


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Stay and Play Sessions for Nursery Admissions September 2024

This year we are inviting the parents of potential nursery students (Sept 2024 cohort) to come and visit the nursery  before the application deadline. During these visits they will have the opportunity to talk to Mrs Knight and the team about the provision and ask questions about our new and exciting expansion.

These dates are:

Thursday 18th January 2024

Thursday 8th February 2024

Thursday 29th February 2024

 All sessions will run from 9:30 to 10:00. If you are interested in attending, please book your place through the school office. 


Funding for Nursery Places

Funding is available for some 2 year olds - this is known as FEET funding. Parents can find information and apply on line via a parent portal.  Funding is for three terms from the term after a child is two.

All children are entitled to 15 hours funded early education from the term after they turn three.

Some children will be eligible for 15 and 30 hours. Parents should apply via the government website to obtain their 11 digit eligibility code:

From April 2024, 2 year old children of eligible working families will be entitled for 15 hours of free childcare. Further information on eligibility for all funding can be found through the following website (

Nursery Admissions Policy

Nursery Application Form

Nursery Application form

Please complete and hand into the school office.

Nursery - Parent Contract

Useful information