School Development Plan
At The Oaktree, we continually seek to improve our practice and provide the very best education possible for the Oaktree pupils.
Priority targets for 2022-2023
Key Priority One: Raise standards in the quality of teaching
Key Priority Two: Improving pupil outcomes through effective use of assessment
Key Priority Three: Further develop behaviour and wellbeing
Key Priority Four: Provide a broad, balanced, ambitious curriculum
Key Priority Five: Build upon community links
The school development priorities are linked to staff performance management targets and monitored by line managers. Governors are linked to SDP priorities whereby they monitor and evaluate progress, identifying impact of targets throughout the year.
The outcomes from our SWOT analysis, pupil’s attainment and progress data, work scrutiny, book looks, observations, drop ins, learning walks, subject team meetings, individual appraisals, pupil progress meetings, parental, staff and pupil questionnaires, planning, governors, external audits, SWAN collaboration report outcomes and feedback and behaviour logs all contribute to our school development planning process.
Much of our SDP this year has been reviewed in light of the pandemic of 2020 and 2021, the absence of children during lockdowns and after and the impact this has had on the Oaktree children and their community.
To see our pupil questionnaire results please click below.